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Meetings are held every 3rd Tuesday of the month at 6:30 pm.


governance committee chair:

LTC Bert Guarnieri, USA (R)

governance committee members:

COL David Russell
COL David Russell, USA (R)
BG James D'Agostino
Brig Gen James D’Agostino, USAF (R)

SCHOLARSHIP committee chair:

Brig Gen James D’Agostino, USAF (R)

SCHOLARSHIP committee members:

James Kenney II
LTC James Kenney, USA (R)

AWARDS committee chair:

Brig Gen James D’Agostino, USAF (R)

AWARDS committee members:

James Kenney II
LTC James Kenney, USA (R)

membership committee chair:

Brig Gen James D’Agostino, USAF (R)


COL David Russell, USA (R)

membership and nominations committee members:

MAJ Frank Lennon
MAJ Frank Lennon, USA (R)
COL David Russell
COL David Russell, USA (R)
MSG(H) John Duchesneau
MSG(H) John Duchesneau, USA (R)
COL(H) Ronald Barnes
COL(H) Ronald Barnes
LTC Cortlandt Clarke
LTC Cortlandt Clarke, USA (R)
James Kenney II
LTC James Kenney, USA (R)
CDR Kasim Yarn
LCDR Kasim Yarn, USN (R)
COL Michael Fitzpatrick
COL Michael Fitzpatrick, USA (R)
BG James D'Agostino
Brig Gen James D’Agostino, USAF (R)
LTC Bert Guarnieri
LTC Bert Guarnieri, USA (R)
REV. Philip G. Salois
REV. Philip G. Salois, USA (R)
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